Welcome to PBA Health’s Resources page. This online tool is an easy way to locate the products and services you need for your independent community pharmacy.
Animal Med Express
Animal Med Express is a complete turnkey solution for animal medicines and pet products for independent community pharmacies.
Asthmanefrin™ is an over-the-counter medication for the temporary relief of bronchial asthma, including shortness of breath, tightness of chest and wheezing. Asthmanefrin can be administered for patients ages four and older.
Berry Global
Berry Plastics manufactures a complete line of containers and closures for the proper dispensing of medications. The company also offers a full assortment of equipment (graduates, mortars, pestles) for use in the pharmacy.
CardConnect provides PBA Health customers with a simple, secure and affordable payment solution. With features including its omni-channel payment platform and patented security offering, CardConnect allows you to streamline the way you accept and manage transactions while providing you with the ultimate data breach protection. Even better, customers can expect to save between 10 and 40 percent on current processing fees by switching to CardConnect.
Check Recovery Services LLC
Pharmacy software written by pharmacists for pharmacists with industry leading customer support and software design. Computer-Rx has provided pharmacy software to the independent pharmacy community for more than 30 years.