The Importance of Taking Breaks (For You and Your Pharmacy Staff)

The Importance of Taking Breaks (For You and Your Pharmacy Staff) by Elements magazine |

Study after study has reached the same conclusion: It’s important to take breaks at work.

Studies have shown that the human mind can only focus for 40 to 50 minutes at a time and repetitive tasks can lead to cognitive boredom. For pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and clerks, cognitive boredom can potentially lead to dispensing mistakes and other customer service errors.

Although meal and break laws vary from state to state, pharmacists are often exempt from these regulations because of the nature of their work: periods of unexpected busy spurts followed by lulls in fills and other tasks.

So, how can you and your pharmacy staff remain engaged and alert during 12- or 14-hour shifts to ensure accurate fills and excellent customer service?

Here are some ways for you and your pharmacy staff to take breaks throughout the day, even when you have just a few minutes to spare.

Take a load off

Sitting all day isn’t good for you, but neither is spending your whole day standing. Have a stool for your staff members to use when there are no patients in the store, or when they’re on their lunch break.

Having a place for your staff members to give their knees and back a break is especially important if you only have one pharmacist on staff at a time, and he is unable to leave the pharmacy. 

Use your muscles

Mitigate the muscle soreness and stiffness that comes with standing all day by taking a few moments to do some standing exercises, such as pressing your chin to your chest then slowly moving your head side to side.

Even a dozen squats, lunges and calf raises can relieve tension and get your blood flowing.

Walking is also a great way to relieve the stress from standing still or only moving a few steps in your confining back end. Walk throughout your front-end aisles, and use it as an opportunity to also check the organization of your shelves. 

Focus—on something else

Reading something, especially fiction, or doing a puzzle unrelated to work, will give staff members’ minds a break from their regular tasks.

Using this method to take a break has even been shown to help you better understand other people, which can boost the quality of your patient interactions.

Encourage staff members to take breaks

Be aware if you’re perpetuating the stigma that taking breaks is a negative thing. Doing so could be affecting your staff members’ ability to feel comfortable and perform their best.

If you communicate to your staff members the importance of taking breaks so they can perform their job better, they’ll feel more comfortable in their work environment.

When your staff members have time to disengage from their work, they’ll be happier and better equipped to provide excellent customer service.

Take advantage of breaks in your pharmacy to create a positive working environment and a high-functioning staff. 

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Elements is written and produced by PBA Health, a buy-side solutions company.

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