30 Tips to Boost Your Productivity in the Pharmacy

30 Tips to Boost Your Productivity in the Pharmacy by Elements magazine | pbahealth.com

If you were to rate your productivity level today on a scale of 1-10, where would you land?

Being productive is difficult in any profession. But, for independent community owners, managers, PICs, and pharmacists, completing all of your responsibilities in a given day can seem unmanageable more often than not.

If you really want to get the most out of your time, it’s about working smarter. Here are 30 tips you can implement to help boost your productivity in the pharmacy.

1. Be punctual

Being on time might be just the fix you need to boost your productivity. When you’re late, you already feel rushed and flustered, which is not a good way to start off the day. Make the most of your workday by setting your alarm for just 10 minutes earlier.

2. Make a to-do list

Being organized is key to productivity. Every evening before you leave work, jot down a list of what you need to get done the next day. Creating a to-do list will remind you of those little things you may have forgotten. And, checking tasks off your list will help you feel accomplished—and productive.

3. Set clear goals

Be sure to regularly set defined goals for yourself and your staff. Setting daily, monthly or even yearly end goals can help keep everyone on track.

4. Prioritize your work

Make a list of your daily duties and rank them in order of importance. Prioritizing your work helps increase productivity by ensuring that you complete your most important tasks first.

5. Get rid of distractions

Eliminate any distractions that may interfere with your work. For example, only check email at certain times of day and turn off any devices that aren’t work-related.

6. Make work fun

Everyone can get into a rut at work every once in awhile. Sometimes you just need to have a little fun to re-energize and feel excited about work again.

Make work fun again by creating a positive company culture. For example, plan a fun event for each holiday. Host a luncheon around the holiday season, have a costume contest for Halloween or create a special tradition for employees’ birthdays.

7. Chronicle your productivity

Keep a journal of all of your daily duties and how long it takes you to complete them. Reviewing your journal can help you to determine your times of peak productivity. And, you can discover areas in which you could improve.

8. Say “no” if your schedule is too packed

A hectic schedule may make you feel like you’re being productive, but that jam-packed agenda is actually working against you. Remember that it’s okay to say “no” every once in awhile, so you can focus on your most important tasks.

9. Batch related tasks together

Completing similar tasks at the same time can help free up your schedule and eliminate distractions that decrease efficiency.

For example, set a specific time each day to deal with administrative tasks, like answering patient phone calls or responding to emails.

10. Get some exercise

Your patients likely follow your guidance on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. But, do you follow your own advice?

Fitting exercise into your daily routine can help increase your energy levels to ensure that you’re working at your highest level of productivity.

11. Watch the time

Paying attention to the time you spend on projects can help boost your productivity. When you allocate a set amount of time to complete a task, especially a dreaded one, you’re more likely to get it done. Set a timer to give you the extra nudge you may need to complete projects like writing your weekly blog post.

12. Wake up early

Showing up to work early can help you get your work done with fewer distractions. And, the more time you have to work, the more productive you’ll be during the day.

13. Hold yourself accountable

Informing your employees of the tasks you need to complete, like contacting insurance companies or planning a team-building event can help hold you accountable. When your employees expect you to complete those tasks, you’ll be more likely to do so.

14. Promote a stress-free pharmacy

If you’re beginning to feel drained from the weight of all of your obligations, it can be difficult to complete your work.

Promoting a stress-free work environment at your pharmacy can help to increase your productivity and decrease your risk for job burnout. You can do this by encouraging breaks and setting attainable goals for yourself.

15. Set your own deadlines

Creating your own personal deadlines for projects can help you stay on task.

For example, if your pharmacy is holding an event to promote American Diabetes Month, create a schedule of daily tasks you’ll need to do to prepare for the event, such as posting on your pharmacy’s social media to advertise the occasion.

16. Delegate

The most productive managers and pharmacists know when to delegate work to other employees. And, entrusting your employees to do something for you can help free up your schedule to complete more important tasks.

For example, if you’re busy counseling a patient on her medication regimen, but your social media is in dire need of updating, hand off that duty to a social media-savvy pharmacy technician.

17. Learn your peak productive times

Everyone’s productivity levels differ at different times of the day. If you’re an early bird, utilize the mornings as your prime time for productivity.

18. Find a mentor

Whether you’re a pharmacy owner or the PIC, having a mentor can provide support. And, you might learn a tip or two on how to boost your productivity.

19. Outsource if you can

If you have the means to do so, outsource tasks like accounting and payroll to companies that can do the work for you, so you can focus on what’s important to your pharmacy—caring for patients.

20. Take a break

Did you know that taking breaks could actually boost your productivity levels?

Just a few minutes away from working behind the counter or even taking a short stroll outside can help you remain engaged and alert during your long shifts.

21. Get organized

Even if organization isn’t one of your personal strengths, it’s imperative to create an efficient workplace. Organization ensures that your pharmacy runs smoothly—and productively.

22. Do your homework

Educating yourself is great way to help you refocus, if you’ve been feeling unproductive at work.

Read books that will teach you ways to increase your productivity, such as this list recommended by Inc., a magazine dedicated to providing advice, tools and services that help small businesses grow.

23. Create an incentive

When you’re feeling less-than-productive, give yourself a reward after you complete your tasks. You’ll be more inspired to get your work done when you have something to look forward to.

For example, if your team is busy prepping for Small Business Saturday, consider catering lunch for your staff once all of their hard work is complete.

24. Remain positive

Being the owner or manager of a small business, your attitude sets the tone for the rest of your pharmacy team.

Although it may be difficult to stay optimistic on days when you’re dealing with disgruntled patients or feeling stressed from the weight of all of your responsibilities, it’s imperative to build a positive work environment. Remaining positive can lead to improved job satisfaction, help to unify your employees, and increase productivity in the workplace.

25. Quit procrastinating

Is procrastination the root problem of your unproductivity? Be sure to catch yourself when you’re stalling at work and remove distractions, so you can focus on the tasks at hand.

26. Don’t multitask

You may think that performing multiple tasks at once is more productive, but it may actually be just the opposite. Focusing on one thing at a time can help guarantee that you finish projects more quickly and completely.

27. Utilize technology

If you’re having trouble managing your time with patients and other responsibilities, use the tools available to help complete your tasks.

For example, you likely want to keep up with your pharmacy’s social media pages, but you can’t find the time to do it regularly. If this is the case, it may be a good idea to preschedule your social media posts with an online tool like Hootsuite, which allows you to manage all your social media accounts in one place.

28. Maintain a healthy diet

Your pharmacy is a health care destination that promotes health and wellness. Don’t forget to follow your own advice.

Maintaining a nutritious diet can increase your work productivity, reduce long-term health care costs and showcase good practices to patients.

29. Begin your day by completing the most dreaded tasks first

Is resolving third party issues your most dreaded task of the day? Or, do you procrastinate planning events for your pharmacy?

No matter what your least desired task is, completing the most difficult job on your to-do list first can help make the rest of your day more productive. Once you’ve completed the most difficult task, you’ll feel like you can accomplish anything else.

30. Make sure your team is on the same page

Keeping your pharmacy staff informed is crucial. If you want to improve the productivity at your pharmacy, be sure to train your team to think big and keep them up-to-date on the latest happenings at your pharmacy.

You’re not the only one who may be feeling less productive. Check out these three ways to boost your employees’ morale (and productivity).


A Member-Owned Company Serving Independent Pharmacies

PBA Health is dedicated to helping independent pharmacies reach their full potential on the buy-side of their business. Founded and owned by pharmacists, PBA Health serves independent pharmacies with group purchasing services, wholesaler contract negotiations, proprietary purchasing tools, and more.

An HDA member, PBA Health operates its own NABP-accredited secondary wholesaler with more than 6,000 SKUs, including brands, generics, narcotics CII-CV, cold-storage products, and over-the-counter (OTC) products — offering the lowest prices in the secondary market.

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